Embrace your weirdness

You aren’t weird. You are unique, you are one-of-a-kind, you are irreplaceable, but let’s get past the notion of weirdness. Or better yet, let’s give a new definition to the word weird. Remember the song, “It’s Hip to Be Square”? Kind of like that.

I was seeing my counselor one day, and he made an observation that was life changing for me. He said,“I know what your problem is. You are trying to be two different people.” One one hand, I talked about wanting to be normal- to fit in, but then I talked about wanting to make a difference in the world. I didn’t want to accept just mediocre. I wanted to be a great nurse, a great mom, wife, musician, etc, etc, etc. He said, “ You can’t make a difference in the world and just blend in. You have to be willing to be different”.

People with ADHD are especially sensitive to feeling awkward and taking things to heart. This is not being “too sensitive” or “too defensive”, as others often comment.
I will be writing about this in a future blog. Dr Edward Hallowell and many others have described this tendency to be easily wounded. It even has a name! Can you relate to this? More about this coming in future blog.

So I say, embrace your weirdness. Be a peacock if you’re meant to be one. You are designed to bring beauty to the world, so go ahead and fluff your feathers.

What is holding you back from being who God created you to be?

Our dog, Bean

Be real, and if you must, be really weird.


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