Whew, that was a tough year

I don’t have to tell you that 2021 was a tough year. I’m not really sorry to see it end, are you? It feels like we have been running a race that turned into an Ironman competition. So much to process. So many ups and downs. Lots of hope, disappointment, and then a hesitant glimmer of hope again. I have found myself being unsure of how to feel- can I risk remaining optimistic? Will life somehow start to get normal again, or do we need to adjust our thermostat?

I think it’s a little of both. Life is only predictable in that we can predict it’s unpredictability. Change is hard. Change is scary. Change can also be good. Tough times can make us tougher, stronger, more resilient. We can be confident that God is with us, that he is faithful during both the easy and the difficult. I would dare say I feel closer to Him when I need Him the most. I remember I am not self-sufficient, but God’s grace is sufficient.

What did your 2021 look like? How did it change you?

My birthday card from a wise and wonderful student.

My focus has changed. I see each day as an opportunity to speak hope to the students at school. My job is to hug as many kids as many times as they let me. The power of an encouraging word or pat on the back has become immeasurable. I have hugged more necks this year than any other time in my entire life. Little people are hungry for connection. And because we are big people, the ones they look to as a temperature gauge, we need to show them that we are confident and okay, because then they will be okay, too. My job as school nurse is to be positive and cheerful, regardless of how I feel that day. On the flip side, It’s also my job to admit that I am have hard days, too. It’s normal for them to feel sad, scared or even angry. I tell them about my sad and scared and angry.

Then I tell them what things help me feel better. I might tell them that I need a hug. Sometimes that child says or does something so kind, so profound, that it rocks my world. They are so honest, so wise, and so wonderful. They remind me to be honest and wise and wonderful, and it is possible, even in 2021.
We then make a pact that to get through the day. And we usually do. We end with a fist bump.

You are going to make it. I can’t stop it from raining, but I will hold the umbrella and stand next to you. You will, in turn, be the holder of the umbrella for someone next time. The creator of the sunshine and the rain will not leave your side. You might get a little wet, but you will not be carried away by the storm. It’s a promise.

So here’s to the end of 2021, and the Hope of 2022. Let’s be hopeful together, and don’t forget to keep the umbrella handy. We will also need our sunglasses and some sunscreen, I just know it.

Love and a big virtual hug,


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